Thursday 26 February 2009

Winslow Homer The Fog Warning

Winslow Homer The Fog WarningWinslow Homer Rowing HomeWinslow Homer Kissing the MoonWinslow Homer Gloucester Harbor
Pendolino trains between London and Glasgow and Super Voyager trains between Birmingham and Scotland.
A Virgin spokesman said: "It's just a quirky thing, it's nothing more than that.. It's a light-hearted way of getting the message across.The imperceptible jumps and jiggles known as "microsaccades" mean that a really steady stare is impossible.
Even when trying to fix a gaze on a stationary target, the eyes are always moving.
Experts have long dismissed these movements as the accidental result of spurious nerve signals. But new research shows they are actively controlled by the same brain region used to scan newspaper columns or track a moving object.
Scientists now think these "microsaccades" provide a vital function by "refreshing" images on the retina which would otherwise fade away.
"We are trying to tell people not to wait too long in the drop-off, but we don't mind people waiting there for a short time."
Asked how the no-kissing rule would be enforced, he added: "We will apply this sensibly."

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