Tuesday 17 February 2009

Pierre Auguste Renoir By the Water

Pierre Auguste Renoir By the WaterPierre Auguste Renoir At the ConcertPierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath
often think of a deep baritone voice as a sexy one, but it seems too cliché to think that a romantically-inclined crooner like Barry White would actually look the part. Yet, although most people’s voices don’t seem to strike a chord one way or the other, research has shown that a person’s voice can influence whether others find him alluring or unBut once you connect the face with the voice, does the sound actually correspond to a knockout—or a letdown?voices based on attractiveness, dominance, confidence, and sexiness. The listeners then looked at photos of the men and rated them. Researchers found that men with deep voices were rated higher than those with high voices and the deep voices also corresponded to .
Voices can gives clues to physical characteristics
The Sound of Good LookingJust as symmetry and scent are important yet subtle indicators of genetic fitness, a person’s voice can also give clues to his reproductive ability. For instance, it’s no myth that good looking men often have deep voices. A study done at Northumbria University in the UK recorded men speaking and had both men

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